Monday, 16 May 2011

justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips

justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena
  • justin bieber and selena

  • archer75
    Apr 19, 11:43 AM
    The vapor chambers and relatively efficient TDP of the 6950, could be combined with a much needed re-engineered iMac cooling system(the current "slit" the back is silly)...I know I complain too much about this topic...but a 2650x1440 monitor should be powered by a MUCH more substantial GPU

    I agree 100%.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. Justin Bieber Kissing A Boy On
  • Justin Bieber Kissing A Boy On

  • laserjames
    Apr 3, 05:01 AM
    I've never in my life voluntarily watched an ad for anything four times in a row. Ever. I watched it, sat with a "wowed" face like I just watched a really good movie, then clicked "replay" three times. G'job. I will agree with others in that the new iPhone ads are a bit sassy, and that's all good and makes you kinda smirk if you have an iPhone, but it has a tinge of disrespectfulness, even though android wouldn't even exist if the iPhone hadn't come out, but slight disrespectfulness nonetheless. This new ad just plays the nice guy method with really, really good camera angles, lighting, and true content illustrating how many miles ahead of the competition they really are. Bravo.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • mi5moav
    Sep 7, 08:57 PM
    We'll I guess you guys are right about getting a new streaming airport... looks like the wait time is back up from 24hours to 1-3 WEEKS WEEEEHOOOOOO!!!!!

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. be sure lips,justin-ieber
  • be sure lips,justin-ieber

  • bradc
    Aug 6, 10:24 PM
    Yeah I just checked MacRumors' stats....77mbits/second:eek: Talk about a bandwidth bill $!$! Then again, tink of all the money MacRumors will make off of ad impressions!:eek:

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Zargot
    Aug 25, 09:00 AM
    Has Dell or any other PC manufacturer started shipping Merom notebooks or Conroe PC's?

    I haven't seen any Merom notebooks but the Conroe desktops have been shipping for a couple of weeks now.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 09:57 AM
    The only stick-shift I ever drove cost about a quarter million.

    Guess I should learn sometime as I would like to get a manual transmission at some point.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. -selena-gomez-on-the-lips
  • -selena-gomez-on-the-lips

  • Veinticinco
    Apr 3, 03:54 AM
    TBWA really need to step up their game. Lack of a tangible concept ("ooh it's all about the experience") and a truly awful execution especially in such a redux form. Not to mention the badly chosen score and VO.

    If you're going to make something as utterly bland and pretentious as this ad is, then at least do it on a grand scale for the sake of audience recall (Chanel 'film' with Nicole Kidman the most vomit-inducing example of this type).

    I actually cringed.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. Justin+ieber+and+selena+
  • Justin+ieber+and+selena+

  • paulsalter
    May 4, 02:07 AM

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. aladdin soundtrack, Justin
  • aladdin soundtrack, Justin

  • im_to_hyper
    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    Other than recently, how often have Mac sales been in the million+ a quarter? Didn't 2002 or something only see that many shipped the entire year?

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • gnasher729
    Aug 29, 04:47 PM
    IF TRUE - Just In Time Invintory Management Makes When Yonah Price Falls The Time To Do It. That would be once Merom is shipping - like NOW.

    I'm still not convinced this rumor is true. I've got my fingers crossed these two processors are going to be C2D at 1.66 and 1.83GHz - not Yonah.

    Only fair & logical reason it might be true would be due to constrained supply of Merom to begin with so Apple has to use all those for MacBook Pro first, then iMac - excluding a Conroe plan -, MacBook and finally mini when supply of Merom is unconstrained like around November-December. By first doing the speed bumps to the Merom speeds with Yonah, they can deliver an immediate benefit to their mini customers without spreading the limited supply of Meroms all over the lines yet.

    So after they have enough Meroms for MBP they can switch the MB to Meroms at the same speeds as now, then switch the mini ALMOST silently once that line is satisfied fully. iMac is a big unknown due to Conroe possability.

    More I think about it, that is probably what's happening. Intel probably has the order with Apple designed to reduce the Yonah supply as quickly as they can provde enough Meroms to keep satisfying Apple's every growing appetite for more and more C2 Intel processors at the ever growing assembly lines in Taiwan & China.

    I think Apple has to use a Core 2 Duo chip in the iMac immediately following the MacBook Pro, before MacBook and MacMini. So if a Conroe iMac isn't developed quick enough, I would expect iMac using Merom, even if it ships that way for two months only.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • MM2270
    Sep 7, 12:14 PM
    I agree with everyone here that if Apple only intros a movie purchase model, it will suck. Most people don't want to own movies. After all, you don't see many music rental services out there in the brick and mortar world, but there are millions of movie rental places. It's a tried and true model that they should emulate to an extent and bring to the online world. Of course, they should innovate on the basic model as Apple is known to do.

    But, I keep thinking, why stop at one model? I know Apple likes to keep things simple, but it seems to me you could have both.

    Here is how I would envision a great movie distro system.
    Users have the option to either rent or buy a movie, with two buttons "rent this movie", "buy this movie" next to it's description.

    The rental model would work like this:
    • Quality would be slightly lower than DVD quality. Maybe same resolution, but compressed a little bit more to reduce file size (after all, if you aren't keeping it, it should download quickly)
    • You can play the movie up to 5 times or within a 14 day period, whichever comes first. After that, it expires, so you can no longer play it. This would be linked to the DRM model within iTunes.
    • No DVD burning with rentals. They would never allow you to make a copy of it since you don't own it. (I mean of course, burning to DVD playable in a standard DVD player. If you wanted to somehow back up the data file itself, you could, but it would be pointless.)

    The purchase model would be like this:
    • DVD quality playback. So, somewhat larger downloads, but they will be worth it, because it would be the same as renting from your local video store.
    • You can play it unlimited number of times. You own it, so why not?
    • DVD burning capability for backup purposes, but would be limited to 3 burns, then it's done. They would have to encode something within the file itself that would know it's been burned to DVD 3 times, not within iTunes, or that could possibly be circumvented.

    Oh, and as for price of each? I think $2.99 - $4.99 for rentals and $9.99 - $14.99 for purchase would be ideal.

    And one other thing. The iTMS would keep track of what you've rented, and if you decide you'd like to own that movie later, you can purchase it by paying the difference in price between the rental and purchase. So, for a movie that was $4.99 rental and $14.99 puchase, you'd pay $10. Now THAT would be sweet!

    In the end, I doubt we'll see something like this, but that's what I would want and use. For those great movies that I would like to own, I would pay the purchase price for the convenience of not having to go out to a store or buy it at Amazon and wait for it to arrive.

    For everything else that I don't want to keep, the rental model would be what I'd use.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • Peterkro
    Mar 19, 03:13 PM
    The French and British also have AWACS capabilities.

    As does NATO and er the Saudis who have more than France.The U.K. has wasted billions trying to make it's own version rather than the Boeing one everyone now uses.(except the Russians and possibly the Chinese who have their own AWACS.)

    ( also due to the strange folk who track flights and then identify the plane types,U.S. and U.K. AWACS and spyplanes have been in the Med for around three weeks,they don't need to overfly Libya to know what's going on).
    (Jesus,BBC reporting septics have fired 110 Tomahawks already at $1 million each,Raytheon shares will be on the up soon).
    (plus the Brits have fired some)

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. Photo Of Justin Bieber And
  • Photo Of Justin Bieber And

  • xliver
    Aug 16, 07:37 AM
    I wish whoever posted this would get it straight - Microsoft is coming out with zune to compete with iPod. They are the one with the new product that will inevitably suck.

    I don't understand why this post says that Apple is coming out with wireless capabilities to compete with zune - if nobody has wireless out yet, then there is not much a competition. And it certainly isn't Apple hoping to be the ones to catch up.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. Justin+ieber+kissing+
  • Justin+ieber+kissing+

  • skellener
    Apr 12, 09:06 PM
    Does anyone else think there will also be an update to QT X as well? Probably one of the most useless tools on the Mac right now. QTPro is still more useful for work. Just the idea that the buttons cover up the picture at all makes QTX pretty useless. I hope to see a real QTPro X. Bring back the FRAME counter (not just time) and get those controls OFF the picture!!!

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena
  • justin bieber and selena

  • gugy
    Nov 29, 09:20 PM
    I'll speak loud and clear:


    iTunes Store can't now nor will it likely ever replace Dish Network for me. Just let me record my shows either directly with iTV or via something connected to it. I hope when this is released, HD DVD and Blu-ray make there way into Macs.

    I am with you but I believe Apple will offer that trough Elgato with Front Row and some sort of DVR functionality via EyeTV. That way Apple's offers DVR without compromising themselves with the whole DRM thing and pissing off the networks.
    Mark my words. Plus, I think the Elgato's founder is on Apple's board of directors.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • motulist
    Aug 7, 03:16 AM
    here's my assesment of the situation; a complete and reasonable roundup of what to expect at the show

    Those sound like very reasonable expectations to me, but Apple specializes in the unexpected! :cool:

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber and selena
  • justin bieber and selena

  • Scarlet Fever
    Aug 29, 09:06 AM
    wheres my media edition mac mini...

    seriously i would be stoked if they released an ULV Mac Mini with a 100GB HDD for all your audio and video needs. Ability to plug a 30" ACD would be nice, as 23" isn't that big for a TV. Built-in eyeTV equivalent, better remote... i want one!

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. justin bieber selena gomez
  • justin bieber selena gomez

  • bob_hearn
    Oct 23, 08:30 AM
    Of course, we all know exactly what this rumor really means.

    It means, simply, that the "Full Laptop Refresh By Holidays?" thread will stop short of 4000.

    justin bieber and selena gomez kissing on the lips. On kisses selena in the justin
  • On kisses selena in the justin

  • Hisdem
    Mar 19, 03:52 PM
    I am a bit suprised the Mods let you start such an Anti-American thread title ..."U.S. will use Lybia as aerial target practice"

    This is not about the USA ... this is about the UN Security Council deciding to stop a Dictator like Gaddafi from forcing his will on the people of Lybia.

    The USA is only one of 10 countries that approved this decision.

    Those with knowledge of this situation will agree that sometimes people need protection from thugs like Gaddafi who tell his people "there will be no mercy" and fire weapons upon them for the sole reason of staying in power.

    where many others in this thread just want to chirp more "Ridiculous" Anti-American crap.

    Agreed. Only one thing though, I think reason the mods let him put that title is because it's not really hard to see americans saying the whole world sucks compared to them on here. And insulting people who live in "third world" countries. Just look at it as a polite payback. ;)

    And to make myself clear, I support the US and all the other countries involved with this intervention, it just needed to be done.

    Aug 7, 05:18 AM
    Aussie waiters must earn a fortune. My sister in law worked as a waitress in the USA and earned over US$1000 per weekend in wages and tips. So what's it like in Oz?

    We don't get tips. The comparison was between minimum wage in Alberta, Canada and regular award wages in NSW (same as minimum wage).

    NSW minimum wage for class 3 waiter at age 23: $17ph mon-fri, $20ph sat, $24ph sun.

    Alberta minimum wage ~5.90ph regardless of day, level and age.

    Mind you this was back in both wages have gone up since.

    I earnt over $5000 in about 3 months working 5 nights a week for a max of about 5 hours per shift.

    Apr 19, 11:10 AM
    Free upgrade to Lion when it releases?

    Doubt it. Not unless you are talking about the 14 day or announcement window. Probably along the lines of all machines purchased after WWDC Lion announcement and prior to release have option to get upgrade disc for $9.99 shipping. Unless at WWDC they say that Lion will be out in October.

    Aug 31, 03:20 PM
    it's not unreasonable to assume that Apple could get the Yonah chips for less than Merom ones.

    Are the Yonah chips being phased out now that Merom is coming on line?

    I would think the same fab would produce the Merom chips...

    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    AKA Final Cut Express is what iMovie should be, but instead they super duper dumbed it down for the masses.

    Uhm... iMovie is intended for the masses. They did exactly the right thing. It is not intended to be for pros or even semi-pros. FCE is for semi-pros, and FCP is for pros.

    Oct 23, 08:56 AM
    This news just in....

    "My infant son began to cry when I placed the MacBook Pro in my shopping cart this morning, this is a clear indication that the MBP could be updated as soon as this week. More news to follow..."


    I dunno, I really have a gut feeling that tomorrow will be the day, but in the end, my PowerBook G4 is still gettin the job done :D