Monday, 16 May 2011

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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 19, 05:51 PM
    What, the analysts weren't even close? I'm shocked. :rolleyes:

    analysts always assumed too much!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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  • kasei
    Sep 6, 05:30 PM
    It looks like I'm going to have to buy one of these and hook it up to my entertainment system. Good by clunky old DVDs and hello DVD library on a Mac Mini.

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  • iEvolution
    Mar 22, 09:15 PM
    Nice! Best news I've heard for a long time.

    I will be updating to the 220GB just for video output..would be nice if they would add high definition output.

    I love the people that act like 220GB is a ridiculous amount, with the file sizes always increasing (FYI, the estimate of 40,000 songs with the current 160GB is a miscalculation, how many things are still selling 128kbps songs and how many people are still using that bit rate?) an increase in capacity is ALWAYS welcome.

    Further, add videos to the classic and 220GB would be considered small.

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  • NEW Justin Bieber Supra Skytop

  • Speczorz
    Sep 27, 05:25 PM
    My dermashot case came in on Friday.. been using it since.

    My initial thoughts - this case looks cheap and has a loose feel.

    My thoughts now - the case has a nice style and even though it is not as snug as it should be, it fits fine. It has not fallen off at all and has a real nice feel too. However, the included screen protector was junk. Had way too many bubbles. Even after applying many times, that didn't help. I now like the grip of the case. I also like how the case comes up around the menu button.

    Overall, I'm very satisfied with it. For $20 with free shipping, it was a decent deal. The case also comes with a little stand that holds the iPod horizontally (not vertically at all), so you can watch movies and not have to hold it. It's a nice little added feature.

    Hope this helps others who are on the fence.. ;)


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  • Multimedia
    Nov 15, 05:36 PM
    CNET Overlooked Running More Than One Copy Of The Same Application At Once. Were they to have launched two copies of Toast and started crushing video from EyeTV Recordings to high quality DVD images, they would have realize how to hose one of those 8-core systems easily.

    I'm very confused about when Apple is going to offer 8-cores due to the need for the Stoakley platform chips to enhance an 8-core configuration's performance which won't be out until next Spring. :confused:

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  • ncbill
    Jan 11, 08:17 PM
    13" screen means you can only shave about a pound off the Macbook's current weight - so a 4lb, not 3lb. notebook.

    If the above is true, then I guess this is not a macbook lite, but a macbook pro lite, so I'd expect starting price of $1999.

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  • imac_japan
    Apr 6, 10:54 AM
    Next Commodore 64? You know Commodore started selling computers after Apple, sold fewer computers than Apple, and is gone, right? Why the Hell do you want Apple to be anything like Commodore?

    Because the Commodore 64 sold better than anything Apple has built and it was cheap !! It was a computer for the masses....

    Thats what Apple needs.....All this Apple makes the best computers etc etc debate is pointless...

    They may be making money but the mac is not spreading...the ipod is ! Apple needs to push both lines

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  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 15, 09:19 AM
    I wonder how Handbrake, iDVD encoding, or Quicktime encoding will take advantage of the extra cores?

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  • BRLawyer
    Aug 25, 04:02 PM
    A second white plastic box with some wires connected to a MiniMac for the media centre? That would be tacky...

    Instead, I'd expect The New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Pizza-Box to be in a single black cabinet the size and shape of a DVD-player or other media component.

    The would leave room for two 3.5" drives (1500 GB today), the TV tuner and compressors, and room for good cooling with some very quiet fans.

    Would you expect anything less than great styling for the Apple media centre ?

    And the mini tower Mac rumors live on...Mini Tower Mac = PowerBook G5...:rolleyes:

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:33 PM
    Says who? AppleInsider is now confirming this story. They have been dead-on accurate all year. Read 'em and weep (I'd like to see Conroe instead of Merom, but it ain't happenin').If iMacs don't get Conroe inside that is going to be SO WEAK. The Power GAP between all Macs and the Mac Pro would be so wide you could drive a truck through it. Makes no sense to me for Conroe to not go into something. Right now that's only iMac. Market for Conroe headless Mac has got to be huge. :confused: :eek: :(

    2.33GHz is the top of Merom folks. How can that be the best Apple can offer non Mac Pro customers? Seems rediculous. There has got to be a home for Conroe Processors in iMacs or a new mid-tower.

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  • treichert
    Apr 13, 04:05 AM
    I read about the new iCal before updating, and actually saved the old iCal from DP1 and copied it over after updating to DP2. It worked just fine, though it's interesting to note that the 'ugly' DP2 version was much smaller in size than the original DP1 version. DP1 iCal was over 40mb, while the new & ugly iCal was only around 13mb.

    Oh well, I still happily sacrificed the extra space for a more usable interface.

    How exactly was it more usable?

    The only thing that changed is the color, the layout is exactly the same.

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  • 28monkeys
    Mar 22, 08:44 PM
    Never abandon your classic. That is company's identity

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 09:05 PM
    You reckon he actually responds to fan mails on his iPhone? :D

    I'm sure its not 'his' iPhone, as he only makes 1$ per year from Apple. I'm sure he is having to borrow another persons iPhone.

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  • patrickdunn
    Sep 9, 01:33 PM
    Does anybody know how it will fit in a last gen case?

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  • oracle_ab
    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    We are saying the same thing - the general population, it doesn't matter if they refer to all markets as app stores, much like Windex, Xerox and Google have become generic terms.

    Bingo! :)

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  • whooleytoo
    Jul 18, 06:41 AM
    OK, I'm just going to do the maths...

    Let's see, divide by 1024.....carry the one....add 6...average speed of an unladen swallow...take the inverse and...

    The answer is: Very BIG!!


    With those math skills let me guess.. you work for NASA? Or British rail? Or counting votes in US elections? (Or in the Irish government.. "one for you, two for me, one for you.." ;) )

    How big are the music videos? I can't download them, so I can't determine the size, but if you knew the size of a music video, and you know its duration is roughly 5 minutes, you can extrapolate from that the approximate size of a 1:30 movie (i.e. multiply file size by 18). Multiply by 8 to convert to bits, then if you have (say) a 1Mbps connection, the math is easy peasy.

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  • GeekOFComedy
    Jun 23, 12:09 AM
    Current Mac computers running on Intel Chipset, Running OS X then dashboard with emulating Apple A4 Processor. As all macs nearly have 4GB of ram 512MB taken out for dashboard isn't bad when you quit said dashboard it stops emulating A4 and 512MB The iMac can be touchscreen. The Other macs can operate iOS4 with it's either mouse or remember the rumor for the trackpad media device. They could operate iOS4 on Mac minis and Mac Pros with that device and for the MacBooks operate it on the magic trackpad

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  • Jack97
    Apr 3, 04:13 AM
    Did anyone else thing that was a really bad advert? They hardly showed the product fully at all!

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  • Kenso
    Mar 22, 03:48 PM
    They should make brief questions to Steve Jobs the same way he answers:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?

    Sent from my iPhone

    A: We have no plans to

    Sent from my iPhone


    Nov 27, 02:31 PM
    Reasons why this isn't a good idea:

    1. Too small, you can get 19 inch widescreen monitors for �130 upward these days. The market for the Apple 17" is that market. I'd believe a 19inch rumour though. The 20" ACD is pro, maybe release a 19" in black or white for macbook/mac mini owners?

    2. Digitimes? Page 3 rumours.

    And talking of matching accessories when is apple going to release keyboards that are up to date? Their current offering look as out of date as the bondi blue imac. Euw (I know this is off-topic for the thread but the rumour is bogus anyway :) ).

    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    This is a long-shot, but my dream feature for the iPod classic is the ability for bi-directional communication between that and my iPhone. What do I mean? Essentially, tethering the iPod classic to the iPhone so it acts as an extended hard drive for music and videos. This way, in my car, I could utilize Voice Control or the iPod app on the iPhone to select a song from my full library on my iPod classic, and have it stream that music to my iPhone, so that I could still have the phone feature or GPS instructions outputting audio to my car. Bi-directional communication comes into play when, once I've selected my album, or told it to shuffle, I could click the physical "Next" button on my iPod classic. Again.. very niche, but a dream feature for me!

    Nov 24, 04:50 PM
    Gran Turismo 5: Collector's Edition (PSN: copenmind, if you wanna race :D ).

    I am just bummed that the game part of it blows. Of course the sim part is pretty damn good. AI....blows. Still, its all about the online for me. I'll hit you up for some online play. I don't remember my PSN identity atm...

    Aug 26, 10:16 AM
    FX was used in the xServe, and they couldn't get dual-core CPU in there. As soon as they moved to woodcrest, they could replace that 2x G5 with 2x dual-core Woodcrests.

    Says quite a bit about how hot they run....
    Perhaps, but you can find the much hotter Xeon Netburst chips (much hotter than the 970 dual core) in 1U systems (and even blades) from other companies.

    It wasn't that "the dual core 970 was too hot for a 1U", but that Apple decided against coming out with a dual-core Xserve. (Since they knew that Intel was coming, it might not have been worth the engineering changes needed for the dual core...)

    Nov 28, 11:30 AM
    Deep pockets or not, MS will have a struggle to find a niche. But at least they were smart enough to put in a radio.

    Agreed, even though am/Fm is in decline, People STILL LOVE FM, there are some great indie college stations around. Which if i could listen to on my ipod i would. If every ipod had a tuner then people on campus could all listen, and experience the same thing. outside the station on campus they have speakers playing whats on air. People gather in the courtyard and socialize, at certain times probbably too. This could be a easy feature to add with big impact.

    Also, :D , Perhaps the current iPod fm adapter will become the iStation/PodCaster? A light to signal on air, and others can tune in to hear your playlists or some type of browsing or podcast viewing emitted from the shuffle sized transmitter:rolleyes: