Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Super Bowl update, Wednesday edition

Dallas-Fort Worth is on official lockdown. It's fucking cold. In fact, everyone should be in awe of the terrible luck the area has had. They get a Super Bowl and an ice storm rolls in as do temperatures not seen in decades. Yay!

Someone named "Les" was the first to bite on the "The Super Bowl needs to be in a city that can guarantee warm weather." For one, anyone named "Les" is a douchebag. Two, whilst I don't disagree, writers who pen these annual columns never provide good reasons. Three, I just think it pisses them off because it's tougher to get a prostitute.

The only decent Super Bowl story is Brett Keisel's beard.

Why is Hines Ward a turdburger? Because he's now denying going to a strip club. Give me a degenerate asshole, who admits to his jaunts than a egotistical, self-righteous prick.

Ben Roethlisberger handles the criticism and question of media day with the poise and charm of a rapist.