Friday 13 May 2011

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  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 08:18 AM
    Yet another case of straight people telling gay people how being gay works. I just don't get it.:rolleyes:

    Pretty incredible, isn't it? They seem to know everything, but when we actually talk about what it's like (ya know, since we kinda KNOW), we're dismissed as if we have no clue. Amazing.

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  • BrianMojo
    Jul 20, 09:59 AM
    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

    Well, the 80's have made a comeback, who's to say the 90's won't be returning anytime soon?

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 11, 11:53 AM
    Just picked up a Atrix 4G and on my way checked out the iPhone 4 - it looks decidedly antique and bland in front of the competition...

    And you'll be complaining about battery life and the Android experience in a few days.

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  • intlplby
    Nov 28, 07:51 PM
    i agree with this on one condition:

    Universal agrees to give up its right to prosecute anyone who owns an iPod for piracy.

    i.e. if I buy an iPod, then I can pirate Universal's catalogue all I want because I have effectively already paid for their content.

    a few bucks is a small price to pay to get access to everything they got

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  • MacSA
    Aug 7, 05:32 PM
    As a recent switcher to Mac, I have had a lot of experience with M$'s System Restore function. It is NOT a "go back and find that data I deleted" application. It IS a "can we please go back to a time when this computer wasn't totally ********* up" application.

    I know, I cant believe people are comparing it to the sytem restore on Windows... sys restore on my PC is total bollocks and never solved any problem I had.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 6, 11:12 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    I can they have before. Drop in OS kits.

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  • LC475
    Apr 11, 06:49 PM
    There's nothing to fear about Apple making FCP less than professional.

    The thing to understand is that NLEs never change their basic structure of how editing works, i.e moving clips in the timeline, trimming, etc. Look at Avid - it hasn't changed much at all since the 90s because they know if they did, they would lose their base of users. Avid came in the early 90s, and FCP came in the late 90s. FCP is an improvement to the Avid idea of NLE editing, and it's a good improvement. That's one reason why it became popular. Sure, the GUI might change but the basic way of working will not. After Effects is a good example. The GUI looks totally different than it did on version 5, but you can still work basically the same.

    I don't understand what people mean by FCP lagging behind Avid and Adobe. In the last couple years, FCP has been making strong gains in Hollywood. WB, 20th Fox, Paramount have all used FCP on major movies. I worked as an AE on one of them. Professionals like FCP, many movie editors I know like FCP, major post houses use it, and I'm sure after tomorrow we will like it even more.

    If anything, FCP has become less of a consumer app and more of a professional one. Hollywood wouldn't have thought of using FCP in 1999 on version 1, but they're using it now. It's become more professional over the last ten years.

    With the new technology of thunderbolt, 64bit support, and multithreading support, in addition to iPad support, we should see an awesome upgrade tomorrow.

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  • Macaroony
    Mar 7, 07:51 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

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  • So I choose the quote from St.

  • Taustin Powers
    Aug 18, 05:21 AM
    That blue PS3 looks pretty awesome!

    Too bad I already have a PS3....AND have no interest in GT5. :rolleyes:

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 8, 12:25 PM
    ^^^ Again, from Sony and referenced in my post 152 (

    Sony has since clarified to IGN how damage works in the game. "Damage occurs to cars right from the beginning," Sony said in a statement, "it is not "unlocked."

    Confusion seems to have stemmed from its differing implementation across the game's extensive garage, a point that Sony further clarified. "Standard models have minor deformation and scratches," said Sony, "Premium cars have greater visible level of damage, and Premium racing models have the highest level of damage."

    I'm not arguing, just pointing out what Sony themselves have to say on the subject. Of course, as you progress further into the game, you are going to use more Premium racing models.

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  • afrowq
    Apr 6, 08:50 PM
    If your sector of the business has decided to move to Premier because it works for them, awesome- but don't paint it as an industry trent. Cause I've seen zero migration from FCP to PP in Toronto post houses. Pro editing is still a two horse race: AVID and FCP.

    And I can't help but think how ironic it will be if the new FCS will be built on AV Foundation, which was pioneered on your hated "itoys".

    Never said it was an industry-wide trent (sic). I said "a lot of professionals" have made the switch.


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  • yg17
    Apr 27, 08:45 AM
    And now Trump is demanding to see Obama's educational records. It's not going to end. If Obama releases those, then what will Trump demand?

    When this whole birther bullcrap started back before the election, I said that if he ever releases the long form, they'll claim it's fake and then demand more proof. Looks like I'm right.

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  • whooleytoo
    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    I thought they said that there was not any concerns?

    Because, despite how Apple excel at so many things, when it comes to handling user (quality or privacy) concerns like this, they suck.

    Look at their responses to the iPhone 4 antenna issue:
    "You're holding it wrong" - Blame the customer.
    'Every phone has the same issue' - Our phone is bad, but no worse than anyone else's
    'Let's change how the signal bars are displayed' - Let's hide the problem.
    'Let's give a bumper case with the iPhone' - Let's offer a solution to some users, to get them off our back for a problem we used to deny even existed.

    I'm not even saying the antenna issue was a serious problem, but Apple's dismissive attitude is only throwing fuel on the fire. If they had tackled it quicker, it would be never have been newsworthy.

    It's great that Apple are addressing this (location) issue much quicker, but still it only is happening after they initially denied there was any issue, and waiting for the furore to grow before acting.

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  • SandboxGeneral
    Apr 11, 11:25 AM
    Well that would fit nicely into the convergence of the ATT & VZW product launching at the same time, rather than two different phones and launch dates.

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  • donlphi
    Nov 28, 11:04 PM
    Universal has already stated that half of the money will be going to the artists.

    YEAH RIGHT... here you go EMINEM... here is your .00000000000000017 of a cent you get for this ZUNE. Just trying to share the wealth with ALL THE ARTISTS. Those artists will never see that money. PLEASE. HOW naive could you be?

    Microsoft's lack of backbone is going to make us all pay... wait and see.

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  • LarryB08
    Apr 8, 08:24 AM
    Reminds me of a true story - went into one of those pre-made sandwich shops because I need to feed a horde unexpectedly, and quickly. I asked for all their stock of three different kinds of sandwich. The woman behind the counter said "but sir what will we sell to other people!".

    Bizarre way to run a business.

    Scenario 1: Store expects 1000 customers. Customer 15 walks in and buys all the store's stock. The remaining 985 customer walk in through the day and are told we have nothing to sell you. These 98.5% of the daily customers never return to the store in the future.

    Scenario 2: Store expects 1000 customers and rations stock to serve the needs of the greatest percentage of their daily customers as possible. The great majority of customers are happy and continue to patronize the store in the future.

    Scenario 2 above does not seem so bizarre to me.

    We are talking business here, business that needs to function over time and not just over one day. All I know is there are a lot of people here who are taking great pleasure trashing a store for their own personal reasons. But the store must serve their overall client base as best as possible and sometimes that may mean being unable to satisfy every specific request every day.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:47 PM
    Yes. EVERYONE. If you dont believe me, maybe you believe the economist:

    Please note that the graph is about three years old. Nowadays a lot more of the countries are over 100%.

    No, not EVERYONE. I own 4 cell phones. By your logic, I would be counted as 4 people.

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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 27, 06:41 PM
    The whole birther thing just confirms my belief that these people are born with a total lack of a sense of shame. This "layers" nonsense is stupid enough, but we all know it's going to continue ( far beyond even that.

    The publisher of an upcoming book questioning the circumstances of President Barack Obama�s birth took credit Wednesday for fueling conspiracy theories about the president�s origins, saying he paid for an army of private detectives in Hawaii and provided information about the issue to Donald Trump.

    Joseph Farah, the founder and chief executive officer of World Net Daily, a conspiracy-mongering website with its own publishing arm, also said he has no intention of standing down despite the White House�s release of the so-called long form birth certificate showing that Obama was born in the state of Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, as he always has said.

    �I�m not apologizing for nothing,� a defiant Farah said in a telephone interview with NBC News, insisting there are still questions about Obama�s citizenship aside from where he was born.

    The comments by Farah underscore Obama�s observation Wednesday that hard-core birthers are unlikely to be persuaded by any evidence, no matter how compelling....

    Farah, who still believes there was foul play associated with the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vince Foster, would seem to be a perfect example....

    In fact, Farah said, Obama�s citizenship, not his birth, is actually the principal theme of World Net Daily�s upcoming book by Jerome Corsi titled, �Where�s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.� Corsi first garnered headlines in 2004 as one of the architects of the so-called �Swift Boat� attacks on John Kerry�s war record....

    (Farah) insisted the document must still be more fully analyzed before he accepts it as authentic. �I think it will take us a little while to examine this and determine if it�s legitimate....�What a rube. And paired with Jerome "Of" Corsi, yet. :D Now there's a beacon of light and truth.

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 04:19 PM
    It'd be fascinating to see how much people cared about 'layers' if the documents in question related to Bush's National Guard deployment or something similar. ;) Haha, no bias here boys!

    The difference between me and you is that I'd want an explanation in either account. ;)

    Jun 22, 12:23 PM
    I am in Inverness, FL.

    I have 3 stores in my County and only 2 of them received phones. The store I reserved mine at did not get any. But they issued the most PINs.

    Citrus County and North is my District area.

    As I am not an employee there anymore I cannot check stock myself.
    I will see if my buddy can pull a Regional View and Print it out.

    The Region (Region 2) is getting 139. Every District is getting phones. Lowests being 4 and the highest being 29.

    ALSO Note, This is what Stores are receiving right now. There is no word until tonight if more will be coming in tomorrow. I will keep you all posted.
    The Region consists of all of Florida and Georgia.

    Apr 25, 03:54 PM
    Ladies Ladies... they are storing information that should be private(yes, indeed), but let's not blow this out of proportion.


    The OS or iOS collects & stores this information like many platforms for specific reasons... Android, does indeed do the very same type of stored information of the 3 cell-tower's estimation of location.

    The really REALLY bad news is that this information is stored in your iPhone & as well as the actual device(Mac or PC) you sync your iPhone too. The information get's logged correctly... but we are talking about Privacy.


    The file should be stored(for technical specific reasons), but not with this lack of diligence on user privacy...

    APPLE, you need a way to log this info in a much more secure atmosphere if the iOS does truly need this information for specific reasons.

    I don't get this either. If someone can get the file off your computer, then they can get any file off your computer. Email, web browsing history, address book, whatever. My phone is password protected and so is my computer.

    Jul 28, 04:34 AM
    gnasher729, thanks for taking the time to explain that. I had to read it twice, but I get it.

    So it seems that in many ways we're getting the best of the G5 and the best of Intel with the Core 2 Duo chips. As these kinds of things unfold, Apple's decision to switch to Intel chips makes more and more sense. They probably knew where Intel was going. Interesting.

    Aug 11, 03:18 PM
    (according to estimates 291mil in Europe use the internet... I'd assume cell usage is similiar).
    First, what makes you think the cellusage is similar to internet????? Mind blowing step here.
    Secondly, Europa has 291 million internet users; North america US&Canada 227 milion; Rest of the world 500 million
    Hence europe would be close to 30% of the total market???? What about india??? Japan??? china??? come on you cant say jack *** from this statistics

    Jun 15, 02:51 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????