Monday 16 May 2011

bin laden family guy

bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 01:17 PM
    True (today anyway; in the NT era they were indeed separate platforms though. Which brings me to my next point..)

    Point of total (and obnoxious) pedantry here -- XP and W2K3 Server aren't strictly the same codebase; The latter was a huge rewrite job with some fairly significant internal changes.

    XP 64bit is based on W2K3, and Vista originally started out on the XP code base and then was scrapped, and was started over using the W2K3 codebase.

    It doesn't invalidate your point in any way and the latter is most definitely descended from the former, but unlike previous products they weren't released in parallel. I mention it purely because I find it interesting, and it's also an example of how Windows is "evolving", so to speak.

    I think people who say stuff like that are exhibiting a syndrome common to Mac folk who've never spent any time in the PC world -- they take negative comments they remember regarding versions of Windows or the PC experience from about 5 years back and assume they apply to today. XP, for example, really was for the most part a window-dressing of Windows 2000, but that is not the case for Vista. You see similar statements regarding "blue screens of death", overall system stability, etc, which suggest they haven't seen or used a PC since the late 90s/early 00's.

    This is very common on both sides of the divide. Many Mac-only people seem to think Windows is still stuck in the Win9x days, and many of the Windows-only types seem to think MacOS is still in the 8.x days.

    I guess it's a little like when your friend has kids and you don't see them for a few years, and you're surprised that instead of still being little kids they're teenagers... :)

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • fblack
    Aug 11, 01:28 PM
    I'm not sure it will be as feature rich as some expect--remember ease of use seldom plays well with complexity.

    However, I am eager to see what comes of this and preferably soon. As I am now on my 3rd replacement RAZR which is begining to have problems.:mad:

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy
  • osama in laden family guy

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 03:30 PM
    I don't get nearly as many dropped calls when switching between towers like I did when I used T-Mobile and Cingular.
    You know as well as I do that has to do with the signal, not whether it is Code division or time division. If you claim differently, show me reputable references.

    bin laden family guy. in laden family guy. osama in
  • in laden family guy. osama in

  • Erasmus
    Aug 27, 04:16 AM
    This is what we NEED:

    1. Computer with no fan. Quiet. Silent. CRITICAL.

    2. Modular computer to add a gorgeous Apple Cinema Display.

    3. At lesat two FireWire 800 ports.

    Then all the rest (power, etc).

    How loud is a present day iMac, Mac Pro or Mac Mini? They're not noisy are they? I never hear my dad's 17" Powerbook. I assume it has a fan.

    I wouldn't have thought modern macs would be noisy.

    And fanless macs, like my Cube are absolutely huge compared to what's in them. The convectin core takes up about half the computer. Fans are good, because they allow a computer to be small. I like fans, and I expect my iMac Ultra to have lots, but still be quiet. Like the Mac Pro.

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Hellhammer
    Dec 7, 08:49 AM
    Anyone know where to get a fast car? My level isn't enough for the good ones in store (only 21 atm, need 23) but all my opponents have +900hp ~700kg cars so my 840hp Lambo just doesn't cut it anymore. Have around 1.8m cash plus 40 cars so money isn't an issue but I just can't find any :(

    bin laden family guy. in laden family guy. family
  • in laden family guy. family

  • UmaThurman
    Sep 18, 11:09 PM
    Y'all just wait a bit longer. it'll come soon.

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • samh004
    Nov 28, 07:14 PM
    I was under the assumption that the money paid to Universal was to allow the streaming of music from one device to another. I assumed that was the real reason behind the payment.

    Seeing as Apple does not stream music to random devices, they shouldn't have to pay a royalty.

    I don't think I voiced my opinion about this last time it was brought up, but I reckon although the iPod makes enough profit so as not to pass that royalty onto the consumer (in price), I would still feel like I was paying that royalty, were I to buy an iPod.

    If I felt like I paid a royalty, and was already downloading songs legally from iTunes anyway, I'd want to download more stuff illegally than I have before, just to make use of that royalty.

    That's what I will do if I have to buy an iPod in the future with a pre-paid royalty. You heard me... this tactic will only encourage more piracy. Stupid really !

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • GregA
    Mar 26, 05:21 PM
    While Apple may yet issue several such candidates before reaching the final version to be released to consumers, the candidate designation would suggest that Apple has essentially completed development on the new operating system version and will simply be fixing bugs that crop up at the last minute during the testing process.

    so, it's beta #1? Feature complete but still has bugs to iron out.
    Golden master is usually when they are confident of no bugs isn't it?

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 09:52 AM
    Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made.

    I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Nuck81
    Aug 13, 12:21 AM
    It's refreshing that I don't have to go to gamespot forums to see a pointless immature fanboy pissing match :rolleyes:

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • paul4339
    Apr 8, 12:10 AM
    can't BB HQ send some ghost/mystery shoppers out and audit the store managers?

    bin laden family guy. in laden family guy. osama in
  • in laden family guy. osama in

  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 07:08 PM
    sadly I cant by any more letters to complete a better signature.!

    You should at least "by" a "u"... (and maybe an apostrophe) :D

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 03:20 PM
    Anyway, Takeshi Kitano rules. :D


    Just trying to spread the message! ;)

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    Laugh all you want, but they are being sensible. If the media hype gets too great, they act, as they should.

    I have no antenna issue with my iPhone 4, and I don't use a case or a bumper. I understand what Apple meant by calling it a non-issue.

    Apple did not track you, it sent anonymized cell tower location information back to itself. But there was a bug that kept a locally-stored database file from being culled from all but the most recent data. So they will now provide an update to fix that bug.

    But if you want to pretend that Apple is in denial mode, and use exclamation points as if your hair were on fire, go right ahead. You nicely prove the point I was just making with samcraig.

    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Porco
    Aug 5, 07:19 PM
    Well iSight or no, there needs to be an update anyway. The Mac Pro will have Front Row, and how will you control it by remote if you're meant to keep it under your desk? The new Cinema Displays need an IR "extender".

    Besides, I still think Apple WOULD love to include an iSight in their displays.

    Yes, but just my opinion, Apple needs to get over this 'Only new computers get FrontRow' crap and provide a USB repeater. ....

    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Super Dave
    Aug 6, 12:04 AM
    P.S. How about seamless MSN/Yahoo! Messenger support in iChat?

    I would LOVE if that happened, but there's no evidence of it other than that I daydream about it.

    David :cool:

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    They cant lose this surely?

    Even Android stores your location in the exact same way iOS does.

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 03:44 AM
    1. The video cards are underclocked compared to their PC equivalents on the Mac.

    Could you give some evidence for that, except that they are underclocked on the MacBook Pro _when they are idle_?

    bin laden family guy. osama in laden family guy.
  • osama in laden family guy.

  • Joe2000
    Aug 6, 06:08 AM
    What about TV Show downloads in the UK? Pleeeeaaaase!!! :rolleyes:

    Looking foward to these Mac Pros though, my Dad is definatley going to buy one. :D

    Thanks, Joe.

    Apr 27, 09:10 AM
    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    again - when you make a purchase - you know you're being logged. If you use cash - your CC doesn't know where you are.

    Apple's bug saved coordinates whether or not you had locations services on or off. It's different.

    The OPTION is what's important and Apple agrees, hence the bug fix. If it was soley a "feature" - they would have stated that the file is required and they cannot offer a way to remove it, yadda yadda

    Those that still argue against the solution remind me of the threads on the iPad board. When it was suggested that the iPad needed a camera - so many people were screaming that it's ridiculous for the iPad to have a camera citing form factor, useless feature, stupid suggestion, etc. I argued that having a camera makes sense and for those that wouldn't use it - don't use it.

    Same here. Apple will give (actually fix) the ability to turn location services on or off. Use it or not. I'm happy there's an OPTION

    Sep 19, 02:03 AM
    there's no reason not to switch to Core 2 Duo as they sell for the same price as Core Duo and are drop in replacement.. the only possible reason for the delay is supply shortage.. it's not unusual to see PC vendors announce new processors even though they are unable to ship them at that time, but at the same time they keep options for the older model, which ships instantly.. Apple thinks differently, they will announce the update when they're ready to ship and starting that day they cease selling the older models.. I think thats fair.. the only difference is that they don't make announcements several weeks in advance..

    Apple has no reason not to follow Intel's speed bumps, because on each speed bump the prices shifts towards the lower models, in other words Intel keeps the prices the same but speed bumps at every level.. if Apple does not update, they're keeping extra money in their pockets..

    as for the updates, I'm curious wheter it's gonna be just a processor switch or wheter they will also move from ATi to nVidia as they did in iMacs.. ATi is now owned by AMD and maybe somehow Apple bets more on nVidia because of using Intel processors only.. also I don't expect MXM slots for video cards for the same reason there's no processor socket in MBP, they ough to keep this as tight as possible..

    I personally don't care about DL SuperDrive, but as they managed to fit it into same 1" thick 17" model, they should do it with 15.4" models too..

    what I miss absolutely the most is WSXGA+ resolution in 15.4" and WUXGA in 17" - make that an option, it's so easy to do so - the displays are bog standard and can be exchanged w/o any redesign..

    I'd be in for a model with lesser GPU like X1400 or Go 7400 because it would save battery life and run cooler.. and for those who don't play - just perfect..

    otherwise I'm pretty much content with MBP..

    let's see..

    Aug 7, 03:40 PM
    The top secret features better be REALLY good, this was disappointing and nothing was really new! Cupertino started it's photocopiers.... (The Vista banners are an actual joke after this keynote) :(

    Mar 17, 01:48 PM
    Ultra FAIL fear mongering. Libertarian ≠ Anarchist. Small government ≠ no government. Limiting government with constitutional constraints ≠ destruction of government.
    He's a common sense constitutional conservative, enemy of tyranny everywhere, and an unfailing defender of fundamental human liberty.

    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration. But as the paragon of neo-liberalism, Paul would wholly gut every little regulatory agency that provides any kind of buffer that protects people and businesses from the depredations of corporate interests, instead electing to enact policies that would protect corporations from the depredations of people. That would be the net effect of his idealism, and if you take five minutes to read the article I linked to, it will become evident that Paul's lasseiz-faire ideals have been proven to fail miserably (unless you are already loaded). Heck, we have seen parallels in the lingering devastation caused by Reagan's policies.

    Sep 13, 06:50 PM
    Didn't you get the memo, Hyperthreading was a joke.

    Obviously, since Intel is no longer creating new processors with HT.

    By the way, previous poster, HT does not double the number of cores. Just the number of virtual cores. A Pentium 4 system with HT will run slower than a dual Pentium 4 system (with HT disabled) at the same clock speed.

    Dual-core means there are essentially two separate CPUs on a single die.

    Oh, and to the IT person who didn't know Clovertown is 64-bit... congratulations. You've shown everyone that you have an exceedingly small penis in having to argue that a $3000 Mac is slower than a $30,000 Windows DataCenter Edition PC system.
