Monday 16 May 2011

world cup cricket final 2011 picture

world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011.
  • world cup cricket final 2011.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:02 PM
    That's US mobile subscribers marketshare for Jan and Feb '11. My numbers are worldwide smartphone marketshare. Completly different things.

    Well if I can understand that:

    1. US mobile subscriber marketshare is US smartphone marketshare & Worldwide smartphone marketshare is World wide smartphone marketshare.

    2. You never specified which marketshare you were talking about.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • findpankaj
    Aug 25, 04:11 PM
    Dotmac has been a HEADACHE this last year...they have lost my e-mail and webpages, and now somehow seem to be prying into my personal life!

    I was planning to buy a .mac account for e-mail , blogs through iWeb, web pages etc. I am more aware now about it.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • Small White Car
    Apr 10, 12:20 AM
    Oh, we are totally getting an iPad app to go along with this program. I can feel it.

    I would oh-so love the ability to down-rez a Final Cut project and send it to an all my rough cutting there...and then bring it back to the Mac and re-link it to the real footage to do the detail work.

    I've had a lot of fun playing with iMovie on the iPad. I am drooling for something similar that works as part of a Final Cut Pro workflow.

    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • mkruck
    Apr 6, 04:31 PM
    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    Upper Middle Class FTW!

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    To store data temporally. That is what RAM does.

    I believe the question was about what App on the iPad 2 is hindered by the amount of RAM. What are you trying to do, with what App, that needs 1GB? If the RAM isn't enhancing the experience, than what is the point other than to increase cost? You could put 4GB in an iPad too, but you will likely notn use it (with the current 1/3 million Apps). So what is the magic number that works seamlessly for 99% of what people use the device for?

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • Northgrove
    Mar 26, 11:21 AM
    Damn, this was confusing. I can barely decide between the 24 versions you mentioned. Add Windows 7 Starter, a version meant only for Notebooks. Still only 4 versions.

    Windows 7 is available in six editions, and three of those (bolded) are available through normal retail channels.

    - Windows 7 Starter
    - Windows 7 Home Basic
    - Windows 7 Home Premium
    - Windows 7 Professional
    - Windows 7 Enterprise
    - Windows 7 Ultimate

    You also need to decide on the architecture before purchase, unlike OS X.

    If you count those (they are packaged in different boxes after all), this brings the number up to 11. Starter doesn't come in a 64-bit edition.

    Finally, this of course doesn't include the server editions of the Windows 7 kernel.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 07:22 PM
    I imagine if you made a chart of the top selling smartphones in the last 5 years, it would consist of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone.

    I neither agree or disagree with this statement, I'm just very curious as to whether or not it is true. Anyone have an data that can prove/disprove this?

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • war
    Aug 25, 06:18 PM
    Apple support for me has been nothing but great. This year my household has bought an intel iMac and a macbook. Being revision A I was expecting some sort of problems with them at some point and the problems did come. First I had some serious video problems on the iMac. So, I made an appt using Concierge and it was right on time. So, the genius looked at the problem and in ten mintues told me I needed to have the logic board replaced. So, I left it at the store and picked it up 2 days later. I wasn't glad that I had problems with the mac but their support was great.

    Now the macbook was having the dreaded problem of turning off at random times. This one was a bit more tricky. I made my appt just as I did for the iMac and saw the genius. She had to replicate the problem of it turning off at random before she could put it into their system in order to be fixed. Thankfully it turned off within a couple of minutes so she put in the request to have the logic board replaced. However, it took 4 days this time to get it fixed. While I would have loved to have had it fixed in the same time it took to fix the iMac I realized that just wasn't in the cards. It has been fine ever since. Although, a few weeks later the battery started to buldge but they replaced it right away and we were only at the genius bar for around 15 minutes to get a new battery.

    After hearing the horror story of my best friend trying to get his Dell fixed I was certainly happy about my experience with Apple. (as far as the dell story goes he still doesn't have it replaced because Dell lost his notebook after he sent it back to them and they are trying to tell him that it was somehow his fault) The people at the genius bar were excellent with good customer service skills. While I realize that some have had experiences that weren't quite as good I thought I would point out that some of our experiences with Apple support have been excellent.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. cricket world cup final 2011
  • cricket world cup final 2011

  • Glassman
    Sep 19, 02:03 AM
    there's no reason not to switch to Core 2 Duo as they sell for the same price as Core Duo and are drop in replacement.. the only possible reason for the delay is supply shortage.. it's not unusual to see PC vendors announce new processors even though they are unable to ship them at that time, but at the same time they keep options for the older model, which ships instantly.. Apple thinks differently, they will announce the update when they're ready to ship and starting that day they cease selling the older models.. I think thats fair.. the only difference is that they don't make announcements several weeks in advance..

    Apple has no reason not to follow Intel's speed bumps, because on each speed bump the prices shifts towards the lower models, in other words Intel keeps the prices the same but speed bumps at every level.. if Apple does not update, they're keeping extra money in their pockets..

    as for the updates, I'm curious wheter it's gonna be just a processor switch or wheter they will also move from ATi to nVidia as they did in iMacs.. ATi is now owned by AMD and maybe somehow Apple bets more on nVidia because of using Intel processors only.. also I don't expect MXM slots for video cards for the same reason there's no processor socket in MBP, they ough to keep this as tight as possible..

    I personally don't care about DL SuperDrive, but as they managed to fit it into same 1" thick 17" model, they should do it with 15.4" models too..

    what I miss absolutely the most is WSXGA+ resolution in 15.4" and WUXGA in 17" - make that an option, it's so easy to do so - the displays are bog standard and can be exchanged w/o any redesign..

    I'd be in for a model with lesser GPU like X1400 or Go 7400 because it would save battery life and run cooler.. and for those who don't play - just perfect..

    otherwise I'm pretty much content with MBP..

    let's see..

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:11 PM


    You are doing all of us a great service here with this information.

    The salesman just called me from the store I was in today.

    He is telling me that there is no guarantee of the iPhone even
    if you get the pin -- but he admitted he was not certain. All he
    knew was that there was something like 9500 pins nationwide.

    Told him that I had just read your message and that you were
    saying if I got a PIN I have a guarantee of a phone.

    He warned me that Radio Shack does not want the word
    "guarantee" used.

    I am putting a lot of faith in what you are saying here.
    I will be at my Radio Shack store early tomorrow.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 09:08 AM
    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    Are you somehow trying to imply that because the credit card company knows so much about you that it is OK to keep that information unencrypted on your phone and backup on your computer?

    All people are asking for is that personal information is kept encrypted and secured. No more. No less.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

  • Bill McEnaney
    Feb 28, 11:56 AM
    On Friday, though, the college issued a statement accusing him not only of being gay, which it called contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine, but also of misrepresenting before he was hired that he was a member of an independent branch of Catholicism.

    He denied both accusations Saturday, saying he never hid his sexuality or his affiliation with the Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas from school officials.

    Does he feel same-sex attractions or doesn't he? The reporter says that the priest is "gay." The article tells me that the priest denied both accusations. If he denied both accusations, he denied that he was gay.

    The reporter or the college goofed. Being "gay" isn't contrary to Catholic teachings. Living a "gay lifestyle" is contrary to them.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket 2011 final
  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • misterniall
    Nov 29, 07:10 AM
    Perhaps we should all get a rebate for every crappy album ever released by Universal. I really want some of the stuff that these record execs are smoking, on top law suits and strong arm tactics now they expect to get money from every iPod not because the have provided any service or contributed in anyway to the product. Rather, they just want it. Hell, who doesn't ... I would also like to get in on this deal. Please Apple/Microsoft/SanDisk I would like to get $0.50 for every unit you sell. Sign me up. I think it is time that artists really evaluated the balance of power. I think it is time that artists should reevaluate the distrubution of wealth in the recording industry. Perhaps that lost money isn't due to pirating like the execs want you to think.

    Free money always welcome.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • Kelmon
    Aug 27, 05:11 AM
    Arrgh! The anticipation! While I'd like to be able to hold off on a new laptop until Santa Rosa and a supporting MacBook Pro hits the market I can't. My old Ti PowerBook is way too slow these days and it will be replaced by the first 17" Merom-based MacBook Pro that Apple releases. While there's a few things that I'd like to see updated in the new models beyond the processor, I think my #1 will be 4GB RAM limit (2GB is fine for one OS but I want to be running OS X and Windows side-by-side at work) and #2 will be an updated GPU.

    It will certainly be interesting to see what happens next week (personally, I'm not expecting an announcement, but hey, I'm happy to be wrong) and it will nicely coincide with the finances becoming available for the muther of all portable Macs. As long as the new one doesn't have any QA or design issues, I'll be as happy as a pig in ****...

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final match
  • world cup cricket final match

  • parapup
    Apr 6, 02:31 PM
    I bought the 3G Xoom first day and have been enjoying it for the most part. It's used as a laptop replacement and it does everything I need from my laptop which now sits on my table connected to a monitor. I am not sure iPad would have been so much of a drop-in replacement - Flash is one thing and SD card is another and 4G is great too. (SD and 4G is not yet enabled but it will greatly simplify things for me - I will run out of the 32Gb sooner or later and connecting to Remote Destop over 4G will be a acceptable experience.)

    100,000+ is quite OK considering the WiFi version is just out but it's not surprising either - it does fulfill some unique needs that iPad cannot. As Asus (has USB ports ( Samsung ones are out it will be smartphone story all over again - yes and the numbers and market share won't matter then :p

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • lyzardking
    Apr 7, 04:13 PM
    I run Handbrake and Photoshop among other things when I need to (in a pinch (and zoom)).

    Not on an iPad... (which was my point)

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    Android has taken fanboyism to epic new proportions. You can't go anywhere on the Web these days without the Android Brigade screaming at you about how awesome, "free" and "open" it is and how you should get on board. Just post the comment "ANDROID FTW!!!" on Engadget and watch the upvotes ensue. And while they're celebrating their epic market share gains, they are referring to iOS users as "sheep." Riiiight.

    I thought the Apple vs Microsoft holy war was bad (and we have at least one pro MS astroturfer on this Apple-oriented site), but Google seriously has a mindlock on some of these people. (I'm not referring to all Android users, mind you, only the ranting/raving types (which seem to be the majority these days).

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. world cup cricket final 2011
  • world cup cricket final 2011

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 8, 06:17 AM
    The problem is not the number of retail-locations selling iPads, the problem is number of iPads in those stores. Now that BB is out of the picture, other retailers can receive more units. Now Apple can stop supplying BB-stores, and use those units to supply some other stores instead. You know, stores that actually sell the product to a customer?

    My point is that Apple sells BB more products than the iPad. If it gets pissy about how the iPad is sold and holds units back then it's going to strain the relationship and right now Apple needs BBs floor space to show off its other products b/c there are lots of gaps in Apple Store locations.

    As I said this story is fantasy and B.S.

    world cup cricket final 2011 picture. cricket world cup final 2011
  • cricket world cup final 2011

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Feb 28, 08:54 PM
    But threads like this are above further research. Not sure why you'd want to mess up a perfectly good party.

    I was aiming to make a valuable contribution. To what, I'm not so sure. ;)

    Jul 28, 03:26 PM
    Dan=='s mockup is something that I had considered before, I remember talking about it with Yvan 256 at some point as something like "the return of the Cube." I think it's a pretty good design, the guts of the Mini are so packed as it is, an expanded case would allow for a substantial upgrade in components, including the oft clamored for dedicated GPU.

    Another way Apple could do it is just to elongate the Mini's case to make it just as svelte vertically, only slightly wider. Could you take a run at that one Dan==? ;)

    Okay, I did some tinkering myself, just for kicks, and here's what I came up with. I thought that we were talking about a computer that was somewhere between a Mac Mini and a Mac Pro (Power Mac), so I thought, maybe the style should be a combination of the two. Let me know what you think.

    It's not a Mac Plus... It's a Mac++!

    Sep 19, 08:58 AM
    It's not quite 0700 Cupertino time - so maybe? :)

    Rice-a-roni, you're right! I just checked my widget clock set to San Francisco time... here's hopin' :)

    Aug 5, 04:01 PM
    I can't wait for Monday. I'll be working that day, so I am going to try to watch the keynote before reading any updates. I even have the Quicktime Events page bookmarked. :D I figured I would be more surprised by taking this route.

    This is the first WWDC I'm really looking forward to, mainly because of what we're going to see... Leopard in action! :D

    Edit: Peace, that's not entirely true. None of us know whether Apple will release Cinema Displays with iSights built-in. I'd say it is unlikely, but you never know until it actually happens.

    Just an opinion p0intblank.We all have em :)

    May 3, 09:20 AM
    I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a 'birther', I believe O'bama is the rightful president of the US. That said, this video, if it's true (I don't have Adobe Illustrator to verify) is pretty embarassing:

    Saw that one already, and as the guy is a self-described 'expert', I choose to wonder about his video. :rolleyes:

    Mar 23, 10:10 AM
    LG and others had semi-smartphones with 3.5" screens back in 2006 and early 2007

    Do you know what an iPhone is and does?

    How is that comparable?

    I have an original Palm PDA still shrink wrapped from the store from 1994. What relevance is that?

    Are you trying to imply that those devices were in the least bit similar to an iPhone besides relative dimensions of the screen?