Thursday, 3 March 2011

Nolan v. Jon

Jonny needs a new deal
For the sixth month in a row, some media person has told me that the Texas Rangers plan to extend general manager Jon Daniels.

Any day now.

It's said things are still being worked out. What's getting "worked out"? Is Daniels demanding a private jet or giraffe rides to the Ballpark?

Doesn't Daniels, generally, want some more cash over the next four or so years? Maybe a bump in a dental plan and another week of vacation?

Point is, I doubt he's asking for anything unreasonable. And I don't understand why it's not done yet and if it's not done by the beginning of the season, that's just weird. It's only the reigning Executive of the Year.

Which brings me to a bigger issue:

Why is it when something goes wrong (see: Michael Young) it's blamed on Daniels. When something goes well (Cliff Lee) it's credited to Ryan?

Check it. Look at Tweets, blogs and newspaper articles. Listen to the radio.

When the Rangers grabbed Lee last summer, Ryan was at the head of it despite the fact that he didn't know Matt Lawson from the man on the moon. When the Chuck Greenberg group beat Mark Cuban in that Fort Worth courtroom last August, it was Ryan getting the headlines. As if he were an attorney.

When the Michael Young brouhaha happening last month, every bit of blame on the Rangers' side was placed at Daniels' feet.

You can't have it both ways. Either they share credit and share blame or you blame or credit Daniels for personnel moves and you blame/credit Ryan for expensive hot dogs and parking.

Daniels has his hands on every personnel move -- the good and bad. I'm not taking up for Daniels on the Young deal. That was poorly handled on both ends, including the team.

However, when you trade for Josh Hamilton, get Cliff Lee, sign Vlad Guerrero and move C.J. Wilson to starter and it all works out, he should get credit.

The first media member to criticize Nolan Ryan gets a cookie.